RYA Racing Charter
The RYA has launched a major initiative aimed at trying to retain racing sailors in our sport and to recognise that whether we are participants in a race or organising the race, everyone has the right to enjoy the sport. The RYA Racing Charter is in the new version of the RYA Racing Rules of Sailing 2017-2020 and is a set of guidelines designed to help make racing more fun, fair and welcoming for competitors and organisers at all levels. The Charter promotes good rule observance and encourages good sportsmanship and good communication between competitors and organisers. The RYA believes that these basic principles will lead to bigger and better racing at Clubs and in the classes and if competitors and race organisers understand what is expected of each other, it will promote high quality, accessible and enjoyable racing for everybody.
Chanonry Sailing Club implements the RYA Racing Charter and competitors will be required to undertake to sail in compliance with the Charter, which can be found at the front of the RYA rule book or at rya.org.uk/racing/rules/racing-charter
Chanonry Sailing Club implements the RYA Racing Charter and competitors will be required to undertake to sail in compliance with the Charter, which can be found at the front of the RYA rule book or at rya.org.uk/racing/rules/racing-charter
Much more information on these pages: