Chanonry Sailing Club Regatta

Results are final as of 20:45 on August 9, 2010

Fast Handicap Fleet

Sailed: 4, Discards: 1, To count: 3, Ratings: PY, Entries: 13, Scoring system: Appendix A
Rank Club HelmName CrewName SailNo BoatName Class Rating R1
Total Nett
1st RFYC Ian Ellis   224 Billy Whizz MUSTO SKIFF 875 (3.0) 1.0 1.0 1.0 6.0 3.0
2nd Invergordon BC Dave Allan Doug Finlayson 6696 ALBACORE 1065 1.0 4.0 3.0 (5.0) 13.0 8.0
3rd Chanonry SC Iain Morton   GBR 181 MUSTO SKIFF 875 5.0 2.0 (8.0) 3.0 18.0 10.0
4th Chanonry SC Iain Leighton   1296 PHANTOM 1035 2.0 5.0 4.0 (14.0 DNC) 25.0 11.0
5th RFYC I Underwood W McTurk / D Underwood 341 Hi-Flyer National 18 957 6.0 3.0 5.0 (7.0) 21.0 14.0
6th Chanonry SC Paul Nichol   2984 Andromeda MERLIN-ROCKET * 1046 4.0 6.0 (11.0) 6.0 27.0 16.0
7th RFYC Stuart Urquhart Richard Urquhart 869 49ER 744 (14.0 DNC) 14.0 DNF 2.0 2.0 32.0 18.0
8th RAF Kinloss Dinghy Club / RFYC Gary Laing   465 RS Vareo RS VAREO 1038 (9.0) 9.0 9.0 4.0 31.0 22.0
9th Invergordon BC Terry Macleod Ross Macleod 3398 Out of Blue MERLIN-ROCKET * 1026 (8.0) 7.0 7.0 8.0 30.0 22.0
10th Chanonry SC Lee Thomson Inez Moss 174 Kleen-Gyte HURRICANE 5.9 687 (14.0 DNF) 8.0 6.0 14.0 DNC 42.0 28.0
11th RFYC J Galloway   355 Dream On RS VAREO 1038 7.0 10.0 12.0 (14.0 DNC) 43.0 29.0
12th RFYC G W Morris   Weta Trimaran 880 10.0 (11.0) 10.0 10.0 41.0 30.0
13th Chanonry SC George Hogg Sandra Hogg 9206 Hogwash WAYFARER 1101 (14.0 DNC) 14.0 DNC 14.0 DNC 9.0 51.0 37.0

R1 - Fast Handicap Fleet - Sat at 13:12:00

Start: Fast Handicap, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 13:00:00
Rank Club HelmName CrewName SailNo BoatName Class Rating Elapsed Laps Corrected Points
1 Invergordon BC Dave Allan Doug Finlayson 6696 ALBACORE 1065 1:00:19 3 0:56:38 1.0
2 Chanonry SC Iain Leighton   1296 PHANTOM 1035 0:59:13 3 0:57:13 2.0
3 RFYC Ian Ellis   224 Billy Whizz MUSTO SKIFF 875 0:50:06 3 0:57:15 3.0
4 Chanonry SC Paul Nichol   2984 Andromeda MERLIN-ROCKET * 1046 1:01:04 3 0:58:23 4.0
5 Chanonry SC Iain Morton   GBR 181 MUSTO SKIFF 875 0:51:16 3 0:58:35 5.0
6 RFYC I Underwood W McTurk / D Underwood 341 Hi-Flyer National 18 957 0:56:51 3 0:59:24 6.0
7 RFYC J Galloway   355 Dream On RS VAREO 1038 1:03:36 3 1:01:16 7.0
8 Invergordon BC Terry Macleod Ross Macleod 3398 Out of Blue MERLIN-ROCKET * 1026 1:03:12 3 1:01:36 8.0
9 RAF Kinloss Dinghy Club / RFYC Gary Laing   465 RS Vareo RS VAREO 1038 1:07:38 3 1:05:09 9.0
10 RFYC G W Morris   Weta Trimaran 880 1:01:51 3 1:10:17 10.0
11 Chanonry SC Lee Thomson Inez Moss 174 Kleen-Gyte HURRICANE 5.9 687 DNF 1   14.0

R2 - Fast Handicap Fleet - Sat at 13:00:00

Start: Fast Handicap, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 14:33:00
Rank Club HelmName CrewName SailNo BoatName Class Rating Elapsed Laps Corrected Points
1 RFYC Ian Ellis   224 Billy Whizz MUSTO SKIFF 875 0:42:39 4 0:48:45 1.0
2 Chanonry SC Iain Morton   GBR 181 MUSTO SKIFF 875 0:48:19 4 0:55:13 2.0
3 RFYC I Underwood W McTurk / D Underwood 341 Hi-Flyer National 18 957 0:53:01 4 0:55:24 3.0
4 Invergordon BC Dave Allan Doug Finlayson 6696 ALBACORE 1065 0:45:29 3 0:56:57 4.0
5 Chanonry SC Iain Leighton   1296 PHANTOM 1035 0:44:30 3 0:57:20 5.0
6 Chanonry SC Paul Nichol   2984 Andromeda MERLIN-ROCKET * 1046 0:45:20 3 0:57:47 6.0
7 Invergordon BC Terry Macleod Ross Macleod 3398 Out of Blue MERLIN-ROCKET * 1026 0:45:12 3 0:58:44 7.0
8 Chanonry SC Lee Thomson Inez Moss 174 Kleen-Gyte HURRICANE 5.9 687 0:42:40 4 1:02:06 8.0
9 RAF Kinloss Dinghy Club / RFYC Gary Laing   465 RS Vareo RS VAREO 1038 0:48:28 3 1:02:15 9.0
10 RFYC J Galloway   355 Dream On RS VAREO 1038 0:49:35 3 1:03:41 10.0
11 RFYC G W Morris   Weta Trimaran 880 0:51:05 3 1:17:24 11.0
12 RFYC Stuart Urquhart Richard Urquhart 869 49ER 744 DNF 3   14.0

R3 - Fast Handicap Fleet - Sat at 15:57:00

Start: Fast Handicap, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 15:45:00
Rank Club HelmName CrewName SailNo BoatName Class Rating Elapsed Laps Corrected Points
1 RFYC Ian Ellis   224 Billy Whizz MUSTO SKIFF 875 0:45:12 4 1:04:34 1.0
2 RFYC Stuart Urquhart Richard Urquhart 869 49ER 744 0:48:12 5 1:04:47 2.0
3 Invergordon BC Dave Allan Doug Finlayson 6696 ALBACORE 1065 0:44:49 3 1:10:08 3.0
4 Chanonry SC Iain Leighton   1296 PHANTOM 1035 0:44:27 3 1:11:35 4.0
5 RFYC I Underwood W McTurk / D Underwood 341 Hi-Flyer National 18 957 0:56:42 4 1:14:04 5.0
6 Chanonry SC Lee Thomson Inez Moss 174 Kleen-Gyte HURRICANE 5.9 687 0:51:04 5 1:14:20 6.0
7 Invergordon BC Terry Macleod Ross Macleod 3398 Out of Blue MERLIN-ROCKET * 1026 0:45:50 3 1:14:27 7.0
8 Chanonry SC Iain Morton   GBR 181 MUSTO SKIFF 875 0:52:13 4 1:14:36 8.0
9 RAF Kinloss Dinghy Club / RFYC Gary Laing   465 RS Vareo RS VAREO 1038 0:46:29 3 1:14:38 9.0
10 RFYC G W Morris   Weta Trimaran 880 0:53:13 4 1:15:36 10.0
11 Chanonry SC Paul Nichol   2984 Andromeda MERLIN-ROCKET * 1046 0:48:02 3 1:16:32 11.0
12 RFYC J Galloway   355 Dream On RS VAREO 1038 0:49:35 3 1:19:37 12.0

R4 - Fast Handicap Fleet - Sun at 11:00:00

Start: Fast Handicap, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 13:55:00
Rank Club HelmName CrewName SailNo BoatName Class Rating Elapsed Laps Corrected Points
1 RFYC Ian Ellis   224 Billy Whizz MUSTO SKIFF 875 0:58:40 6 1:18:13 1.0
2 RFYC Stuart Urquhart Richard Urquhart 869 49ER 744 0:59:28 7 1:19:56 2.0
3 Chanonry SC Iain Morton   GBR 181 MUSTO SKIFF 875 1:02:46 6 1:23:41 3.0
4 RAF Kinloss Dinghy Club / RFYC Gary Laing   465 RS Vareo RS VAREO 1038 1:06:17 5 1:29:24 4.0
5 Invergordon BC Dave Allan Doug Finlayson 6696 ALBACORE 1065 1:08:19 5 1:29:48 5.0
6 Chanonry SC Paul Nichol   2984 Andromeda MERLIN-ROCKET * 1046 1:08:44 5 1:32:00 6.0
7 RFYC I Underwood W McTurk / D Underwood 341 Hi-Flyer National 18 957 1:03:36 5 1:33:02 7.0
8 Invergordon BC Terry Macleod Ross Macleod 3398 Out of Blue MERLIN-ROCKET * 1026 1:08:23 5 1:33:19 8.0
9 Chanonry SC George Hogg Sandra Hogg 9206 Hogwash WAYFARER 1101 1:02:03 4 1:38:38 9.0
10 RFYC G W Morris   Weta Trimaran 880 1:04:49 5 1:43:07 10.0

Scoring codes used

DNCDid not come to the starting area14
DNFStarted but did not finish14
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